sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Japanese Lesson Kanji

Well, as I said earlier I'm learning japanese, so I'm going to teach you something very interesting, the kanji.
The kanji is the writing system that only express the meaning of a word, in that regard it's almost like a draw. The kanji was original from China and Japan took it. Where you are "drawing" kanji it's like a refinated form of the object that you are trying to say. Look at this:

They are the early forms and how it changed through the years, of course hundreds or perhaps thousands.
This kanjis have several forms of reading, for example the kanji of "exit, leave" have like 9 or more way to be pronounced, always with same meaning.
That's the why our names can't be written in kanji, because they are several ways of it to be written and with different meanings, think in this your name is "Carl"
and the pronunciation of the kanji of "sun" and "son" could be "karu" and "ro" respectly, something like "the son of the sun" for example; and there could be kanjis that have the same pronuntiation and give your name the meaning of "extrange human" only for saying something (The meanings I said for kanji in this examples are false). We can do it, but there's, as I have said, a lot of diverse forms of writting, or as I think that you search for the meaning of your name (like for me "Fernando" is "audacios protector" and search the kanji of that words and having your japanese styled name, which wouldn't be pronounced as your name but like a japanese name. But for me to entertain you here are some names in kanji I saw so here they are:

And one more thing, since we are in the month of love and I'm writting about the kanji I should leave you the kanji of love, if you wanna write it of something here it is:

You start writting it from the up to down and left to right. Something courious about this kanji is that it's wrote with several kanjis, "claw", "house", "heart" and "whip" are the kanji that make this kanji.
And to finish love is spelled as "ai" with "a" as in "apple" and the "i" like in "internet". "I love you" should be
"watashi wa anata o aishiteru" but you can omit the blue part.

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