jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Music Class

The music class is being very funny with the ability of all the people we are there! Juan Carlos is always trying to imitate Santana and Farfán giving him some necktie hits. Carias with the violin and his great interpretations. Ludwing, Marco and Jose David with their own interpretations. And they are more that have awesome skills. Though this annoys Farfán it's always funny for all of this, don't you think so?

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

St. Valentine's Day

*deep breathing* Aaaaaaaaah, this day was soo relaxing, how good is to know someone has you as you friend, someone realiable in who you can trust. I'm very grateful to all people that show me your frienship and affect to me today, it's something I value too much. Thank you because you have show me that I'm not alone in the world, that there's always someone that I can trust and be sure by his/her side. Please be sure that as I want you to trust you, you can trust in me as well, so whenever you want a hand, or a shoulder or any help that you want you can trust in me, I'm always going to be by youside.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Disconect to connect

Don't you believe that the technology is messing up with the people we have near? How many times we waste some precious moments with the persons near to you for being connected to Facebook, messenger, etc.? Well, the internet is very important nowadays but it doesn't have to be ALL in our lives. We could have missed a beautiful clear night filled with stars for being in the computer, or even we don't talk to the one that is beside us for attending the phone or other things. So I leave you a reflexive video here, check it out:

By the way here is what it says at the end: "Stay offline some time to embrace your surroundings. Use the phone just as necessary."