miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Fighting Robots!!

Look at this amazing animation of robots fighting, they are great!!

A little poem

A noisy scream that none will hear
they are the thoughts on my mind,
something I need to bear
and all emotions I have inside.

This way have been rough
 though your disdain is worse,
and my heart is dying in the smog
in your actions like a curse.

I hope you like it, and please comment

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

A big day

Today was very exciting, first it was the inaugaration of the book fair in the school, there was a mimic of the importance of reading by the theatre team and also a presentation of the 10th grade dance group (by the way they were great and I could see Nancy reach the floor like that, how or where do you learned that?). Also my sonnet was taken as the winner of the literary competition of 10th grade (I didn't think that I was going to won because I though the poem finished a little "sintetic") and I won a pair of books and a David Bisbal CD/DVD "courtesy of Yosi Sideral (XD)" but not too much people congratulated me (Only my closest friends and like 3 or 4 more people). After in the recess fell bad with my foot and hurted it (after that I went with the nurse and I couldn't stay for the voley-ball practice nor the Kung-Fu class), but I would like to know why anyone help me in the exit time. And for the end of the day our bus was hitted by another, it wasn't a hard hit, it felt like a shove for me, but we had to stay there for like and half our so my aunt went to take my brother and me to the house. At least there was no homework and I could sleep pacefully.