miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Now in computer class

Hahaha, now reporting in the computer class xD, Gabzz and me are finishing the work and it's almost complete, now I know how to install the Twitter (that I don't have) in an iPhone (that I don't have either XD). By the way, Gabriel is really good when the times of work comes. Don't you think he is very reliable?

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


It's very tiring to be in the volley-ball team, but at least I can enjoy it with my friends, and also I like the volley-ball so it's no problem with that. Althoug when it's with the homework i have several dificulties as I'm now. Maybe I should be faster but I'm tired of all the day in the school after that, and when I arrive to my house I feel exahusted.