domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

A Journal and Reflexions

So, I this is the first time I'll write in a blogg and perhaps it'll be a little, I don't know, maybe a little boring but I'll try it (and also is a homework but at least I'll try to enjoy this not thinking it's a homework XP).
Well, to start with I'm going to present myself: Righ now I'm a 16 years old boy in Guatemala City and a fan of the music with a deep meaning in its lyrics (whatever if it is in spanish, english, japanese, etc. but at least to have good music) and love history (especially the mythology). Music and reading are my passions so they are lik the 80% of my woke up life XD. I can play guitar, I'm learning japanese (and getting headhaches) and Kung-Fu. I love the nature and the landscapes she provide.
Let finish with this and let you guys finding out the rest while reading the blog.

3 comentarios:

  1. welll i didn't know that about you.... good for you learning lenguages it's fun

  2. OMG thats a very big post! I didnt know that you are learning japanesse. by the way I am learning another languaje to.

  3. yes, japanese is really difficult, by the way, wich languange are you learning Javier?
