domingo, 10 de julio de 2011

Facundo Cabral

Ayer una estrella se apagó, terminó de dar la luz que todos apreciamos. Facundo Cabral murió. Una persona que le cantó a la vida, que le cantó al amor, a Dios y su creación y a todas las cosas bellas que hay en el mundo fue asesinado. Siempre lo recordaremos como el artista-filósofo que fue. Ha sido una gran inspiración para todos y lo seguirá siendo después de muerto. Recodermos que su llama nos iluminó a todos y ahora es tiempo de seguir con lo que nos enseñó: que "el que hace las cosas por amor está condenado al éxito", que la felicidad sea nuestro color de identidad, que no haya razas ni fronteras porque somos hijos de un único Padre, príncipes y princesas de la creación, que no nos amarremos a las cosas y que seamos tan libres como querramos, pues cada quien hace su propia historia, que el momento más importante es el ahora y que no debemos dejarlo pasar. Adiós Facundo, tu vida será inspiración para todos y tus enseñanzas pasarán por todos los que te escuchamos, ahora ya estás entre tus amigos disfrutando de la compañia de quien siempre estuvo a tu lado, Dios. Te echaremos de menos, mas síempre estarás en nuestros corazones. Que en paz descanses, Facundo.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


Bueno ya que dejó de ser tarea de inglés creo que sería bueno retomar este blog para hacerlo mío, propio, y que pueda escribir en el idioma que quiera. Para que sea libre mi blog y que pueda seguir compartiendo mis pensamientos para cualquiera que quiera leer, para quien quiera una opinión o consejo. comenzará otra era en este blog, bueno que vengan los nuevos "vientos" que refresquen ¿no?

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Fighting Robots!!

Look at this amazing animation of robots fighting, they are great!!

A little poem

A noisy scream that none will hear
they are the thoughts on my mind,
something I need to bear
and all emotions I have inside.

This way have been rough
 though your disdain is worse,
and my heart is dying in the smog
in your actions like a curse.

I hope you like it, and please comment

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

A big day

Today was very exciting, first it was the inaugaration of the book fair in the school, there was a mimic of the importance of reading by the theatre team and also a presentation of the 10th grade dance group (by the way they were great and I could see Nancy reach the floor like that, how or where do you learned that?). Also my sonnet was taken as the winner of the literary competition of 10th grade (I didn't think that I was going to won because I though the poem finished a little "sintetic") and I won a pair of books and a David Bisbal CD/DVD "courtesy of Yosi Sideral (XD)" but not too much people congratulated me (Only my closest friends and like 3 or 4 more people). After in the recess fell bad with my foot and hurted it (after that I went with the nurse and I couldn't stay for the voley-ball practice nor the Kung-Fu class), but I would like to know why anyone help me in the exit time. And for the end of the day our bus was hitted by another, it wasn't a hard hit, it felt like a shove for me, but we had to stay there for like and half our so my aunt went to take my brother and me to the house. At least there was no homework and I could sleep pacefully.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011


I'm starting to think that my blog is as popular as a potatoe because nobody wants to comment me. I have 19 post and only 4 comments, when there are 1 post with 20 commentes ¬¬


I really would like to be in love now, at least it should help me with this sonnet I'm trying to make. 4 hours without a good inspiration an a sheet of paper in white don't are a good incentive. I would like to have a special person in wich to think about, for not making me an engineer of emotions as Arjona says. Or maybe I could use the deception instead of love. Who knows, any emotion could be great now, but it would have been beautiful if at least who I was in love last year talk me now. I don't think that forget is easly, especialy when you think you loved someone, or you really did it, so even with a half broken heart I love her still. The time will come when someone, or her, look at me, but it's torture until that.
You know who you are.

Earth Hour

For you who didnt' know, the last saturday was the Earth Our, the Earth Our is an iniciative for reflexing about the global changes that are happening in our world. After turning off the lights by almost an hour I could see how beautiful it was the silence, the dark and the tiny light of a candle and I would say, why don't we turn off the light by an hour monthly? Maybe nor for the global warming, but to talk with our family, leave aside the games, the TV and computer with facebook or anything else. Just for each month take a breath for the modern things that distract us of the important things. For at least every month reflex of what we don't need, but take as necessary.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011


Yesterday I went with my mom and sister to see a cardiologist because some probles we had, but in the end was nothing to worry about. What the cardiologist said of me was that I had "bradycardia" (slow ritm of the heart) and a thickening of the heart, but it was all because the exercise I do, all this symptoms (and if you do exercise) it's called athlete's heart. It's normal but she said they will do me a "Hall" or something like that, it's a recorder for the heart beats and to see if there is any erratic beat. But it's all OK.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Horror Movies

Recently I have been wanting to see a good horror movie, or maybe a suspense movie, I have already seen "Silent Hill" but too much blood, I don't wanna a bloody one, but one that mentaly disturbs you (really weird don't you think so?), but it should be good one. I asked some people wich one should be good they said that "the Ring" or "the Sinister Island" are very good examples, let's see wich one is better. What do you think? Which is better? Or is another one the best?

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Volley-ball Game

Yesterday my team and me had our first volley-ball game, but it didn't go well. Our rival was the "prepa" and they won us for a lot, even the 25 - 15 of the first set wasn't so bad but after it became very difficult. At least they were the hardest contestant in the tournament. Tomorrow we'll have our second game. Wish luck to us!

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Sushi experiment

Today my father, my brothers and me tried/almos failed to make sushi. You should know that when you cook and the very first time it's it'll surely be amateur luck because our experiment almost failed, but for it to be the first time it wasn't so bad. Though we didn't follow exactly the recipe we were able to chage a little the bad taste the rice got for pouring too much vinegar. At the end the soy sauce help to give flavour to the sushi. It was good after all.

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Now in computer class

Hahaha, now reporting in the computer class xD, Gabzz and me are finishing the work and it's almost complete, now I know how to install the Twitter (that I don't have) in an iPhone (that I don't have either XD). By the way, Gabriel is really good when the times of work comes. Don't you think he is very reliable?

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


It's very tiring to be in the volley-ball team, but at least I can enjoy it with my friends, and also I like the volley-ball so it's no problem with that. Althoug when it's with the homework i have several dificulties as I'm now. Maybe I should be faster but I'm tired of all the day in the school after that, and when I arrive to my house I feel exahusted.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Music Class

The music class is being very funny with the ability of all the people we are there! Juan Carlos is always trying to imitate Santana and Farfán giving him some necktie hits. Carias with the violin and his great interpretations. Ludwing, Marco and Jose David with their own interpretations. And they are more that have awesome skills. Though this annoys Farfán it's always funny for all of this, don't you think so?

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

St. Valentine's Day

*deep breathing* Aaaaaaaaah, this day was soo relaxing, how good is to know someone has you as you friend, someone realiable in who you can trust. I'm very grateful to all people that show me your frienship and affect to me today, it's something I value too much. Thank you because you have show me that I'm not alone in the world, that there's always someone that I can trust and be sure by his/her side. Please be sure that as I want you to trust you, you can trust in me as well, so whenever you want a hand, or a shoulder or any help that you want you can trust in me, I'm always going to be by youside.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Disconect to connect

Don't you believe that the technology is messing up with the people we have near? How many times we waste some precious moments with the persons near to you for being connected to Facebook, messenger, etc.? Well, the internet is very important nowadays but it doesn't have to be ALL in our lives. We could have missed a beautiful clear night filled with stars for being in the computer, or even we don't talk to the one that is beside us for attending the phone or other things. So I leave you a reflexive video here, check it out:

By the way here is what it says at the end: "Stay offline some time to embrace your surroundings. Use the phone just as necessary."

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Japanese Lesson Kanji

Well, as I said earlier I'm learning japanese, so I'm going to teach you something very interesting, the kanji.
The kanji is the writing system that only express the meaning of a word, in that regard it's almost like a draw. The kanji was original from China and Japan took it. Where you are "drawing" kanji it's like a refinated form of the object that you are trying to say. Look at this:

They are the early forms and how it changed through the years, of course hundreds or perhaps thousands.
This kanjis have several forms of reading, for example the kanji of "exit, leave" have like 9 or more way to be pronounced, always with same meaning.
That's the why our names can't be written in kanji, because they are several ways of it to be written and with different meanings, think in this your name is "Carl"
and the pronunciation of the kanji of "sun" and "son" could be "karu" and "ro" respectly, something like "the son of the sun" for example; and there could be kanjis that have the same pronuntiation and give your name the meaning of "extrange human" only for saying something (The meanings I said for kanji in this examples are false). We can do it, but there's, as I have said, a lot of diverse forms of writting, or as I think that you search for the meaning of your name (like for me "Fernando" is "audacios protector" and search the kanji of that words and having your japanese styled name, which wouldn't be pronounced as your name but like a japanese name. But for me to entertain you here are some names in kanji I saw so here they are:

And one more thing, since we are in the month of love and I'm writting about the kanji I should leave you the kanji of love, if you wanna write it of something here it is:

You start writting it from the up to down and left to right. Something courious about this kanji is that it's wrote with several kanjis, "claw", "house", "heart" and "whip" are the kanji that make this kanji.
And to finish love is spelled as "ai" with "a" as in "apple" and the "i" like in "internet". "I love you" should be
"watashi wa anata o aishiteru" but you can omit the blue part.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

The shining stars

How haven't seen the stars in a clear night? Why not we can go outside from time to time and get ouselves being amazed by the nature? I love the nature and being outside the city, actually the place I liked the most is in the country. It's soo beautiful, it's a waterfall with the cold, pure and cristaline water you can feel from the bridge infront of it. It was almost an spiritual experience. Tell me, which are your favorites places in the country? Where would you like to go to vacations?

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

A soo beautiful song

See this, it's called "itoshii hito e", a J-Pop song, that in english would be
"my beloved person". I think you would like it
if you have the lyrics.

Clutching my knees, I contain my tears
I couldn't avoid it, it was like the anxiety was going to defeat me

Always, even before I could figure it out,
you, and nobody else, have been at my side.

I continue with my desire "I wanna be stronger"
and I fall again.

I've been hurt but I can trust in you,
So I'm going to stand up again.

"Thank you" is what I wanna say
to my beloved person
How many times as my voice leave me
It will reach the person I love, that irreplaceable person?

The never changing heat of a person,
in this every changing world,
I'm sure that I had felt it.

Another year passes,
I sense your feelings stronger than before

I thought that when one grows up
one should feel lonely.
But now I understand that
 I can't live alone. It's all right.

"Thanks" to the person I love
for giving me the courage.
I want to give this words from my heart.

And this time I ask myself
if there is anything I could do
for the person I love.

The steady conexion between two people,
in this every changing world,
I want to tesorate it.


"Thank you" is what I wanna say
to my beloved person
How many times as my voice leave me
It will reach the person I love, that irreplaceable person?

"Thanks" to the person I love
for giving me the courage
I want to say this from my heart.

And this time I ask myself,
if there is anything I could do
for my beloved person.

The never changin heat of a person,
in this always changing world,
I'm sure, I had felt it.

So there it is, I'm sorry if it isn't too "poetic" but I had to translate it myself.
Tell me, do you like it or no? Do you want to sing it to anybody?

Just don't hate me

eeeeeeerrmmmmm... How to say this? You guys, don't you think most of the blog post are being too short? It was supposed to improve our writting skills, you should take a little more time to write your posts. I'm not criticinzing anyone, only trying to cheer you up for doing this worthful. Besides this I applause those ones who are making an efford to do this, seriusly guys.

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Lonely Clomplex

Maybe I could see like lonely wolf but don't wanna be alone all the time like this. I would like to know how other people see me for knowing why they don't talk to me but maybe I could find that knowledge later.

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

The second one

So, with the greetings finished and Valentin's Day near I'd like to write a little about this. Though I have no luck with the love (or in a more accuarate way a luck but bad luck) I'm a very romantic person and I even write some poems (I'm going to post one of them or make a new one for the blog), also I like to hear music with romantic lyrics (how bad nothing of this had never help me). Putting this aside, you guys should have been in a crush at least once, but when that crush finished, dont you feeled angry with that person? I don't think that I'm mad with that person because I wanna forgive her though I find a little difficult that for some personal reasons (mostly like a grudge). Once a friend tell me "where there were fire, ashes left" and I find it very accuarate because I can't hate this person, maybe I'm still in love or I'm a soo good person (jajaja I don't think so) so I can't do nothing and it makes harder when that person is always close to me ¬¬.
And you guys? How it is with you?

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

A Journal and Reflexions

So, I this is the first time I'll write in a blogg and perhaps it'll be a little, I don't know, maybe a little boring but I'll try it (and also is a homework but at least I'll try to enjoy this not thinking it's a homework XP).
Well, to start with I'm going to present myself: Righ now I'm a 16 years old boy in Guatemala City and a fan of the music with a deep meaning in its lyrics (whatever if it is in spanish, english, japanese, etc. but at least to have good music) and love history (especially the mythology). Music and reading are my passions so they are lik the 80% of my woke up life XD. I can play guitar, I'm learning japanese (and getting headhaches) and Kung-Fu. I love the nature and the landscapes she provide.
Let finish with this and let you guys finding out the rest while reading the blog.